Payment Types
Missing payments image
Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing.
Dog Registration Renewals
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Dog Registration RenewalsTo renew your dog registration you will need the Application for Re Registration received from the Thames Coromandel District Council.
Infringement Receipt
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Freedom Camping FinesTo pay your Freedom Camping fine you will need your infringement number and credit card details
ParkingTo pay your Parking fine you will need your infringement number and credit card details
Litter FinesTo pay your Litter fine you will need your infringement number and credit card details
Dogs FinesTo pay your Dog fine you will need your infringement number and credit card details
Compliance and Monitoring FinesTo pay your Compliance and Monitoring fine you will need your infringement number and credit card details
Building FinesTo pay your Building fine you will need your infringement number and credit card details
Rates Receipt
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Land and Water RatesTo pay land and water rates you will need your assessment number and credit card details.